Discover Your Life Plan

We guide you to clarity, alignment, and momentum.


Start with questions…

Are you asking yourself about your life’s direction? How all the pieces of your life life fit together? Who you are? What you are uniquely designed and gifted to do? Why you are here in this world and what specific contributions you were made to give?

You are unique.

We each intuitively know that we are different from others. Yet can you name your own talents? Can you list your interests and needs? Do you understand how your passions drive you? Have you made sense of your story? Do you know what fears to avoid? Have you pieced together all the disjointed experiences of your life to create a mosaic of meaning?

Your life is unique.

Deep down, each of us believe that our life must have meaning. Do you know that which you are specifically meant to do with your life? Can you define your individual purpose in life? Are you living intentionally towards a vision that is compelling? Do you know how to maximize your one life to its fullest?

We are Life Plan Guides.

If you are asking such questions, we can guide you to answer these questions, to define that which is your unique life purpose, and to align who you are with what you are gifted to do. Facilitated over several days with a seasoned guide, a Life Strategy Session is a process customized to you. It encompass all of your life arenas: personal, family, career, and community. 

What results is a charted pathway - a detailed, measurable action plan that will accomplish your personalized life vision. By the end of our time together, we have guided you to create a working action plan to carry you from self-discovery to practical and comprehensive application.

We have guided many others. Perhaps we can guide you as well to develop your own Life Plan - a behaviorally-sound, time-tested and proven intensive approach that helps you to clarify your unique gifts, talents and wiring, to discover a holistic and integrated vision for all of your life, and to take these discoveries and apply them to all of your life as you move forward.  

Start with questions…but also seek answers.

Your Life Plan journey can lead to clarity, alignment, and momentum. You will receive answers to your questions. And you will get focus, hope, and a specific life direction that launches an intentional way of living your one life.


Let’s Connect
